04 September, 2012


(So I dreamed last night about a horrid bus ride and a drunken Mick Jagger impersonator that looked more like Dee Snyder)
Marching ahead of the pinstriped-parade
almost binary enough to be redundant
passengers penguin down the isle
checkerboarding into our spaces at arms-lengths’s
same old silly-squawk—all I ever hear these days
the ramblings of a sunstroke
a bus-stop philosopher
sparking ideas into car-crashes,
sputtering his wet gossip of press-on nails,  
clapping at holy-water-father petting pool-boys,
such tepid froth foaming up
do you need a sippy-cup or a syllable-bib?
spewing sour onions and vinegar
without brushing your tongue?
took too many Big-gulps of powdered-cheese, I see,
more gum-smacking emotional ping-pong?
still you monkey-sling this intentional gibberish?
cumdumpstering everyone’s evening like this.
pounding my temples free of incense, of any sense,  
Dr. Drunk-fucker’s scalpel-words jabbing his
soon I’ll be begging for the electric chair,
a real “cheer-up, buddy, least ya’ be dead soon”
finger-painting GOODBYE’s
and lustful S.O.S.’s
to the last lifeguards of these sordid trashbins
on the now extinct sidewalks of urbanis domestica
your paltry gotten deeds spilled wearily into my lap
blaming inside-outed-pockets are we?
or is it those swollen lips
whistling slippery with stolen whiskey?
Red-eyes suddened so serious
see? you shouldn’t’ve shouted your shame all over me
M.S. staggering under the weight of all that liquid-courage
Mick Jaggering those hands on hips,
just another leather-livered jerk
my judgments on sharp eyes
keep me at arm’s length, 
instead I knead at the muscles
horseshoeing on the backs of biceps
the ones itching to give hims a hug, 
singing half a note to half a word to half a song
but you staged it all
at the rear exit door
that sloppy, sarcastic, swaggering
romancing vague pity from your captive audience
and signaling your stop between nose wrinkles
when you shook the shuttle
you let us look at you
and all I can remember
is this indescribable
“(                 )-ness”
twisted within each of us

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