13 May, 2012

Defining the Word

Cone;             * an ovule-bearing mass
                    * a device for humiliating a dog or cat
                  * any surface traced by a straight line passing through a fixed vortex

Karaoke;          * a method to measure insecurity and courage
                                * please refer to the definition—fun

Distortion;        *a blessing allowing for meaning to emerge from the rubble

Sitka;                   * a variety of spruce, thrives on rough, rocky shores;
        —often gnarly, twisted and weathered beautiful
 *a location, only imagined,
where a woman, with almond-eyes,
fell in love with syllables

Telephone booth;    *an iconic prop from the ever popular science fiction series—Dr.Who.
* a forgotten relic
* Superman’s only decent place to change his underwear
*the best place to be when crying

Kayak;             *a delightful word to write; enjoyably symmetrical in shape,
                      when spoken aloud, the sound wave matches the shape of the vessel
  *from a dream about drowning; almond-eyes again—rowing my way,
          on still water colored with moonlight, spooked a heron, as it glides overhead I become safe again.

                             Liminal;         *an in between state of being or origin
                                                *—on the cusp of two systems
*the life of a trickster, observing from afar

                *a mythical land of monster bears ruling the rivers,  of open spaces that make the sky look small, where old fish fight their way to die in the gravel, edged with icy seas and crab boats
                *the air around her, carries peacefulness, a story of mossy places most likely

Beautiful;            *is snow falling fluffed onto cherry blossoms—in the city night under streetlights

                    * an abstract idea with no valid or scientific means of measure

Curls;         * the end result of pressing ribbon with thumb to scissor’s edge and pulling
                * a gift’s garnish

Friend;       *a noun, reserved for intimate companions, and pets
                *an anomaly; perhaps even accidental in nature
                *a highly sought after commodity, unavailable on the black market

Singularity; *a book written by Carl Jung, I have yet to read, and brazenly assume the content
                * an inevitable single outcome for all directions and equations
                * how it all comes together

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