23 June, 2012


Share with me
those blocks on carpeted preschool floors
where we sang “ashes to ashes” together
like we were all dying

share with me
how to fall down
scabs and scuffed knees
pain is a language we all speak

share with me
pieces of your timid tenderness
some kisses and some giggles
and so much of something else that has no name

share with me
the ear to your imagination
and sink yourself
into the stories of how we make it out of this

share with me
the warmth of your home
when the weather changes to misfortune
and let me thaw, there near the hearth

share with me
your vast patience
and I will show you
that not even the birds are born to flight

share with me
the simple things
when I grow hungry—break bread with me
and I will always nourish your soul

share with me
your suffering
and I will show you
my love

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