19 June, 2012

flesh. denied.

So what if I admire the way my muscles jumble
in the constriction of a tight wife beater
a loose life losing youth
that pang of sadness squirms under my skin
my body going to waste
a tired corpse

So what if I won’t look this good forever, I say
            am I really losing 1% of my testosterone per year?
            how long do I got
            till this cock runs dry
            and I have to make them love me for my smile
misshaped desire
but I am the fire in my loins
the sweaty tiger clawing at freedom
and when that heat in my pants dies
the nights will chill

So what if you think it’s homoerotic
            that I find myself beautiful
            this is all still so very new to me
            but who gives a gift
            that they wouldn’t want for themselves
tensing thighs into rolling foothills
inspecting myself in steamed mirrors
trying to see the gift I can be
from inside this condemned mind

So what if this is what I am
            this decaying passion vessel
            bad teeth and a large intestine
            twisting around the demons in my womb
where home becomes a temple
and the temple has a rhythm
my body beats
bloody fists into the bedposts
worshiping the last gasp
of your salty spew

So what if suffocation is when air tastes the finest
            a sack of organs
            out of tune
            and out of a gig
            gathering dust and collecting bedsores
            while humming the tempos
            of bodies being more than flesh traps
            nipples and eyelashes
            napes and arches
            pent up boiling blistery

So what if I am a temple
            come celebrate with me
            under the “oh yes” fireworks
            near those draping banners whispering
            and the confetti spilt on back porches
            we could bring down heaven
            one cloud at a time
            one piece of clothing at a time

So what if I don’t want to be any closer to God
            there is plenty of time for that
            after death swallows me and asks for more
            isn’t about getting off
or getting out
            or getting in
            it’s never been about the orgasm
            it’s about the organism

So what if I am only a dirty temple
            having its final festival of living
            I will deny it no longer

1 comment:

Wayne R. Flower said...

Oky now you are on to something; Truth. Fuck cleverness. Truth!