19 July, 2012


You were born an infant, rocked in mother's hands,
and then you broke-teeth-in, took a few steps, and then you started dating,

Now grown to the edge of adulthood,
you've just begun to miss your mother's hands,

girl becomes woman,
woman becomes mother,

You gave birth to an infant, rocked in your hands,
and then you lost sleep, gave dead-tired under-dogs, and then they started dating,

daughter becomes woman,
mother becomes grandmother,

and the daughter gives birth to an infant, rocked in her hands,
You tell her to sleep, give better under-dogs, and you already know about the dating,

You hold the small delicate hand, belonging to child of your child,
but you know the cosmic truth, we are all children,

Now the master has her apprentice, 
Great Teacher of Creation,

It's as if you reside in some shrouded, mountaintop temple,
with secret knowledge scribed on crumbling scrolls,

imbued with the sacred wisdom of Nurture
the world should know, how well you mother mothers,

You worked hard, gave it all you had, and enjoyed the years,  
and all you get is a fucking Greatest ever! coffee mug?

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