23 July, 2012

Willing to Look

I woke up this morning and couldn’t find my will to live,
it wasn’t there, paired with cigarettes and a dead lighter,
so I dug through my dirty pants from the previous day,
but all I found unfortunately were fortune cookie fortunes,
telling me to feel lucky and to hold on tight,
I turned on the lamp and the bulb blew out,
so I searched my room in the dark,
clawing around on the carpet,  
wondering now, how does one lose a will to live,
I checked the dish where my car keys swim,
looked near the wallet clamming on the dresser,
where the mirror reflected how lost I am,
See, it said. But I don’t.
I slumped to the kitchen and couldn’t even find my appetite,
I looked under the stack of motivational posters on the table, but still no will to live,
I thought maybe I dropped it coming home last night,
so I retraced my steps out the door and down the silent street,
slowly sinking into knowing,
that I had lost it years ago.

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