03 December, 2011


go on now, go on and notice things

like they have never been noticed before

go on and try and see them as they are

as if you are trying to remember them

that house across the street with the moss roof

the dingy karaoke bar and the swooning

patrons singing to everyone and no one

go on now, and look deeper

as if you are trying to remember

after a hurricane, what was there

a flood, mother’s stroke two weeks after her fortieth,

go on now, and notice

the faces of your lovers, the laugh lines,

the way tears fall different on each,

imagine them locked in the timeless painting of your mind,

notice how beautiful they are

listen to the melody of their conversations,

texture and tone, caressing ears and souls

notice the sounds as if trying to remember them

because no matter how hard I try I can’t remember

her singing in the shower, to everyone and no one,

I know she did it, but I never noticed

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